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Posts posted by KHogan1988

  1. Hello, I've done some searching and would like to add a custom exhaust. I understand 2.5 is the correct size? Where does it start? From front to back I think the converter comes before the first muffler, is that the really long one about mid car then the main muffler at the rear? People have said the converter is 2.5" in and 2.25 out but it looks the same to me. If its 2.25 from the converter all the way back how do you keep the first muffler? What kind of high-flow converter do I need? with or without an O2 bunge. Thanks.

  2. Greetings all,


    I got a great deal on a 98 MilleniaS with the 2.3 liter engine a month ago but the check engine light came on right as I started up this morning. AutoZone said the code was "p1601" they cleared it and it hasn't returned should I be concerned? My other problem is some sort of oil/grime on the underside of the car; it's on both sides of the exhaust tunnel running nearly the length of the car. When trying to remove some I end up taking some of the undercoating with it. Sometimes I can't even tell with the undercoating starts and the grime ends almost as if it’s dissolving it. I haven't yet noticed any spots on the driveway or low fluids, can someone please help?



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