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1995-02 Gauge Installation


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1995-02 Mazda Millenia Gauge Installation



Difficulty: Easy

Time Required: 1 hour MAX

Tools Required:

- Phillips (+) screwdriver (magnetic if possible)

- Standard (-) screwdriver or blunt kitchen knife

- Replacement gauge plates

- Fast-drying glue (Krazy Glue)

- Plastic wire tie

- Electric drill with a very small drill bit

Submitted By: MillyVanilly



1.) Remove the dimmer switch and the little black piece of plastic across the steering wheel from it. You shouldn't need to pry it off, just get a good grip and pull.

2.) This is where a magnetic screwdriver comes in handy, remove the screws from inside the holes. If one falls, don't worry; you can get it out in the next step.

3.) Get a good grip on the dashboard and pull it out. The only thing holding it in are friction clips, so don't be afraid of pulling hard.

4.) With the dashboard out, you will need to unclip several wires. First do the dimmer switch, then do the rest. To remove them, just push in the little plastic piece and pull it . Once again, don't be afraid to pull hard, as long as you are pressing in the clip all the way.

5.) Find a clean, soft place to push the dashboard (back seat works fine)

6.) Now, unscrew the instrument cluster. There should be 1 phillips screw in each corner (4).

7.) Unclip all of the wires from it and remove it. Now go inside to somewhere comfortable to work at (desk, kitchen table, etc...).

8.) There are two main plastic parts that make up the instrument cluster, a black one and a white one. There are about 15 little clips holding them together. Push in one of the clips and separate the pieces by inserting the knife or screwdriver between them. Keep doing this and spreading the pieces farther apart until they are separated (I know, it's frustrating).

9.) There are 2 screws on either side of the needle for the speedometer and tach; take them off.

*NOTE*: DO NOT try to take the needles or the existing plates off !!!

10.) Slide the new gauges plates over the existing ones. Do this by putting the needle in the hole and pressing down while sliding it on. For the fuel/temp gauge, point both of the needles straight up, put them in each of their holes at the same time, and slide it on.

*NOTE*: Remember where your fuel level was, I think you need to put it back there afterwards.

11.) Since the fuel/temp gauge doesn't have any screws, put a small drop or line of super glue underneath. Don't worry about the sides flaring up, the bezels will hold them down.

12.) Carve some holes in the black part of the cluster housing for the wires of the gauges to come out of, and put both pieces back together.

13.) Your gauges should have come with a little black box. Wire tie it somewhere in back of the cluster. If yours has a switch, just leave it dangling behind the dash above the pedals.

14.) Next, take out all of the illumination bulbs that you don't need from the back of the cluster. There should be 3, 1 for each gauge. To do this, twist the plastic housing for the bulb, remove the actual bulb, and replace the housing.

15.) Here's where if gets tricky. Take one of the empty plastic bulb housings, and drill 2 very small holes in the back of it. Now, put the 2 power wires that came with the gauges through the back. Tie the two wires together in the appropriate place to prevent them from pulling through. Now twist each end of the wire (it should be stripped), loop it back around, and firmly insert it between the metal contacts and the plastic parts of the housing. Make sure that the wires are far enough apart so that they don't short circuit. If you have a soldering gun, then very carefully solder them in place (after you test it). Insert the bulb housing back into the cluster. (You may have to adjust the wire length)

16.) Now, attach the gauges to the little black box that you wire tied and re-attach the wires to the instrument cluster. (Now would be a good time to test the gauges)

17.) Arrange all of the wires so they are not tangled, and re-install everything. (Use that magnetic screwdriver!)

18.) Find a decent place to mount the switch if you have one and mount it with the screws it came with or superglue. I suggest putting it up in the dash above the pedals, so it's out of view, but you can be creative if you want to.

19.) Ta-daa!!! Pat yourself on the back!


*NOTE*: Do not hold me responsible if you make a mistake and break something, or if you get arrested for rolling your odometer back

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