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Starting Issues

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My car makes a super ugly noise when i start it


it sounds like it doesnt want to start like it might take a few seconds to actually turn over


if its really warm it cranks normal but if its cold it takes a moment


I want to kno how to fix it because i want to get a push button start or maybe remote start and it might not work because it takes so long to turn over ..


Any suggestions? :starwars:



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remotes do not play well with millenia's, a push button start is just a relay, it won't actually change anything about the starter.


some older starters might have problems cranking in the cold, almost like there isn't enough juice in the battery, but in extreme cold is could be the battery, good or not.


If you hear a grinding noise or anything after the car cranks over then the starter is going bad.


Now, if it cranks at normal speed, and just takes awhile to turn over make sure you have a decent amount of gas in the tank, even with 4-6 gallons sometimes millenia's don't like to start right away, could also be a delayed fuel pump

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I will go ahead and try it..

it doesnt make any tpe of noise it just seems like it doesnt want to start .. it cranks every time on the first time just takes a few seconds!



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a few seconds of cranking, or a delay in the starting?



its just attempts to and after a few seconds of holding it in the crank position it will crank

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Ight Thanks


I will try it but i doubt thats the issue but u guys are the experts so it cant hurt to try right!


I will buy a new one tomorrow and let you guys know if that fixes the issues!


Does any one kno of a Millenia Club in Atlanta?

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I'm 4 hours from Atlanta. I live in GA. I wish the next milly meeting was in Atlanta so I could drive to it relatively easy. But man yeah my car was doing that...turn the key and chug chug chug chug vrooom...and then i got the new interstate battery with a 2 year warranty on it and then chug chug vroom vroom vroom.....:) it helped the situation.

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