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Carcapsule - 10 Years Later

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Well well, In just 3 more weeks MW.net will have its 10 year anniversary....


That being said, I'v had the Millenia in a carcapsule for 10 years now, some people have asked about it over the years so here's what you need to know.


Pro's -


Keeps the Millenia spotless and clean, not a spec of dust or single inspect since its positively pressurized.

Removed moisture from air

Set it and forget it, zero maintenance required

Material has held up very well, no rips, tears or sign of degrading materials

Has prevented damage to car by falling objects from earthquake

Far superior to even a high end custom cover


Con's -


Not very easy to get on and off, have had to buff mirrors and rear spoiler where it's rubbed paint

Fan went out around the 7 year mark, ordered a replacement and it has been fine since

Zippers, possibly biggest complaint is the poor quality zippers and how hard it is to seal up. Have ripped apart several of these and 1 zipper currently damaged to where I cannot open capsule.

Yellowed/faded/cloudy. Not really possible to clean and once its dirty it just stays that way. Used in a windowless garage yet still shows fading.

Being hard to get on and off it's annoying if you want to do work on vehicle


Overall, possibly the single best investment I'v made for any vehicle, ever. So if you've been on the fence for the past 10 years, go get one.


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I have a CC18 which gives plenty of room for the Millenia. They make bigger and smaller sizes, an outdoor reflective version etc. A high end custom cover is around 300-350, an oem cover for a higher end car can be around 500, so it is still a good deal.


If you have a something you plan on driving very rarely but want to keep in perfect condition without access to a museum - this is the way to go.

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  • 5 years later...

Maybe a bump? now at 15 years. I've added an outdoor capsule for the Jeep WL during winter months.


In the past 5 years I had to replace the power supply as the plastic cracked and it wanted to spark, more my fault really.  A single fan needed replacement but this could have been due to running it a season without a filter - The new design filters are only good for a few years, old ones were much better.

What I will say is the indoor capsule has yellowed in a few places but all the dust and grime that floats in the air is starting to be noticeable. I tried pressure washing the outdoor capsule with only mixed results. Still does its job

I cannot stress this enough, I highly recommend putting a car cover over the car FIRST and then the capsule. You can remove cover if needed but it goes a long way in protecting paint during covering/uncovering.

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  • 2 years later...

The years continue to pass, yet like BHR the Millenia exists outside of time thanks to its capsule.


18 years of near constant use now. The plastic is still pliable though impossible to clean to be clear. I added a 2nd one and side by side you can really tell where dust and grime over the years have become embedded - yet the car is still perfect.


As stated earlier I've replaced the power supply and fan. Only fan failed. Filter gets cleaned every other year and seems to still be holding up on the interior. Exterior capsule the filters have become a bit more brittle and need to be replaced after 6 years or only being used Nov through Apr.


I'll still caution people, these are NOT for daily use and I think after over 25 years the company has finally admitted this. They are difficult to put on and off especially with suv's. 2 people makes a huge difference. Paint damage is still top concern, no matter what, the surface will get dust/dirt/grit on it and if pulling over the surface you'll damage it and I refuse to just "buff and cut" What works for me is a very soft interior only cover being put on first, then the capsule being rolled over top.


The protection and peace of mind is worth every penny. I don't worry about a thing. After a bad year with mice getting into 2 other cars it's a relief to not worry about much more rare cars.

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