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Ca Emissions Results


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I surprisingly failed emissions today. Here is what I got 2 years ago:


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List of what is done in 2 years:


- New spark plugs (correct part number, did it myself)

- New Tees and hoses

- New PCV valve (OEM)

- New thermostate (OEM)

- New fuel filter (OEM)

- Oil shifted from M1 10w30 to Amsoil 5w40


No codes in 2 years. Here is what I get today:


IPB Image


HCs are high and CO is relatively high.


My oil has 4300miles on and the fuel was the same as 2 years ago. Oil consumption is almost the same as before, 1 qt per 1000miles. There is a storm and it is very humid today.


When they remove the bumper to paint they changed the driver side yellow parking bulb, I found a broken bulb in the airbox. Since they didnt change me for the bulb change I am not gonna bitch about this. I cleaned the MAF after failing btw. There were two small flies stuck in MAF mesh (no idea what they are doing there) but other than that it looks pretty clean.


I put 91 octane 2 tanks ago. Is it possible that it still thinks there is 91 in the tank and use the related a/f maps? I think 89 octane is better in terms of HC failure so I will go with it for the next test.


Any suggestions are welcomed.


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woah woah woah, 1qt of oil in 1k, thats pretty extreme, even my Jeep burns less then 1/4th at 3500 miles. Your oil is hella old but shouldn't cause a failure, IMO there probably just telling you that you failed so you'll buy a hybrid.


Question: why have you gone to 5w-40? Proper weight is 10w-30 or 5w-30 syn. Your making the engine work alot harder, that or your cat might be STARTING to go bad

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woah woah woah, 1qt of oil in 1k, thats pretty extreme, even my Jeep burns less then 1/4th at 3500 miles. Your oil is hella old but shouldn't cause a failure, IMO there probably just telling you that you failed so you'll buy a hybrid.


Question: why have you gone to 5w-40? Proper weight is 10w-30 or 5w-30 syn. Your making the engine work alot harder, that or your cat might be STARTING to go bad


I changed to 5w40 hoping that it would cut off my oil consumption. It had no effect, so I will go back to 5w30. O2 sensor may also be old enough..


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  • 3 weeks later...
I always change my oil just before a Smog test....mine is due in May....ugh....not looking forward to that as my milly is in need of some $$$$ and a tune-up.....I may even have a failed O2 censor but my CEL has been gone for months now.


My air filter is also 28k old. It may have an effect.


I passed btw. Results are not comfortable though..


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