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I was careless yesterday and took a highway exit. My speed was 75mph on the highway and i just released the throttle. The exit was a 15mph one and my speed was about 60-65 when i start turning. I realized that it will not gonna make it (i was late), and started controlled braking. But no it started understeer even with the brakes. So i brake more till it oversteers. I turned with slightly fishtailed not too bad. No way an average car can avoid spin there unless the driver is good enough to draft it (if possible). IIRC the most risky maneuver i did with milly on dry road. I appreciate the stability of the suspension again :)


edit: subject should be fishtailed..

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actually some of the most fun I ever had on public roads with traffic was a double fish tail


some jackass had been pissing me off, I finally got around him and gunned up going up a mild hill, crested the hill and it was an S curve, turned on and went through almost side ways, turned hard again and didn't go quite sideways but fun none the less, especially since the first curve was going downhill.


Now because there are jackasses, this wasn't something super special, I was in the middle lane and it was a 3 lane road so plenty of room, also as stated before, I run my tire pressure differently, 2lbs down in the front, 2 lbs up in the rear, that combined with the rear sway bar give it near perfect balance andI do not understeer. For those wanting more proof see the 11/04 Maryland MWM photos of the millenia in action clearly not understeering.

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:huh: splash of bhr??


I wouldn't call what I did losing control, I went to fast and ended up having some fun, at no fun was I in any danger


there is only 1 time I can think of where I truly "lost" control of the millenia, I still reacted and saved the car from spinning out into a ditch, but it wasn't fun and in no way planned. Was going down an unknown road with a 35mph speed limit going about 30, very hilly, went down a hill, up a hill, down a hill, up a hill, went to 1 hill and at the crest it was a near 90 degree turn, no intersection, just a crappy old country road, as soon as my eyeline cleared the crest I saw a ditch and the crap winding away anbd back down, ended up spinning out into the gravel doing about a 270. Judging by the amound of gravel, lack of grass, and knocked down "slow - sharp turn" sign on the ground alot of people had spun out there. Not fun at all. If I had not been paying attention I would have easily ended up in a nice ditch, maybe even cleared the ditch and hit a creek.

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why have a low deductable unless you plan to get into an accident. My millenia's is something like 1k


Deductable? I always have liability only. Makes me more careful :) In fact geico increased my insurance from 200 to 800 when i moved to CA. After long long negotiations they go down to $250 :D


I am tired of stimulus offers. They are in my mail box, inbox everywhere. As if we had to spend the money right away. They are like if you get 300 buy this, that is for 600 blah blah.

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