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Sick And Tired

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Are you sick and tired of being pulled over for illegal tint and getting a ticket?




Well, gather round my children cause Momma is gonna tell you how to fix that problem for good...




This information comes from a judge that is sick and tired of seeing these tickets come accross the bench.




All you have to do is go see your family doctor and have him write you a note stating that your eyes are sensitive to light (which mine are) and that you need tint.


Keep this in your car with your registration & insurance cards.


When and if pulled over for illegal tint, show the cop the note and he cannot write you a ticket for it.




Y'all can thank Gotta who found this information out and passed it on.




Since the Chevy has 15% tint and legal is 35% (in West Virginia), I am calling my doctor first thing Monday morning.



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If I were a cop, I'd just tell you to quit being so cheap and buy some damn sunglasses. Reason being, it makes no sense that side windows are tinted darker, whereas the big one that you spend 95% of the time looking through isn't tinted. From a drivers perspective I hate dark tint. How the fuck am I supposed to know what's going on ahead of you if I can't see through your car (assuming I'm behind you)? For this same reason I think large vehicles should be banned from left (passing/speeding) lanes.

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:lol: I can tell Momma is a serious contender in the Pimp my ride business.


Regarding light sensitive eyes, I will vote for sunglasses too, as the best cure. I mean, even you americans have to step out of the vehichle once in a while? Like, when being pulled over for überdark tint :rolleyes:


überdark? you remember your German roots?


No you dont get of the car here or you get the bullet in your leg :)


Ren thats why i am looking for a shop that knows what a UV-block transparent film is.. Some colors, like black, needs to be tinted or looks like naked IMO..


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pretty much every state this story has been told in the cops still give you a ticket and say get sunglasses, infact I'v never heard of a single person getting off, even if your lucky what will happen is the cop will STILL give you the ticket and say to bring your paperwork to court


infact this story is total bs, what the hell do you mean a judge is tired of seeing these tickets, there a traffic court judge, its all they do, they perfer the quick the easy.

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They stopped caring about dark tints, and super-blue HID's here in Miami. Cops finally realized they have better shit to be doing and they arent stopping more people from getting them, so they arent giving tickets for that anymore around here.



in miami i agree but further up north that changes



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